Creekside Conservancy properties & Projects
Creekside Conservancy (HEERNETT and Mills) properties are a part of Scatter Creek Watershed protected properties, along with the WDFW Wildlife area, Caveness Property, and Colvin Property.
Use the drop-down menu at the top of the page or click the links shown below to learn more about each of our projects: |
Project milestones by year
- Mill Pond access road reactivation
- Scatter Creek headwater enhancements
- Native plant salvage and planting near Scatter Cree stream bank stabilization project
- Culvert replacement and monitoring
- Scatter Creek headwater assessment and monitoring
- Collapsed earthen bridge in Crawford Creek Tributary
- Crawford Creek Tributary culvert under access road
- West Crawford Creek Tributary culvert removal
- Replacement of culvert under access road
- Prep work for Cozy Valley Creek Enhancement Project
- Prep work for Cozy Valley Pond Enhancement Project
- In stream construction for Cozy Valley Creek Enhancement Project
- In stream construction for Cozy Valley Pond Enhancement Project
- Prep work for Riparian planting for Cozy Valley Creek Enhancement Project
- Prep work for Riparian planting for Cozy Valley Pond Enhancement
- Phase I Riparian planting for Cozy Valley Creek and Pond Enhancement projects
- Phase II Riparian planting for Cozy Valley Creek and Pond Enhancement projects
- Completed Phase I Cozy Valley Creek Enhancement Project
- Phase III Riparian planting for Cozy Valley Pond Enhancement Project
- Completed Cozy Valley Pond Enhancement Project
- Prep work for Phase II Cozy Valley Creek Enhancement Project
- Prep work for Phase II Cozy Valley Creek Enhancement Project
- In stream construction for Phase II Cozy Valley Creek Enhancement Project
- Installed over 100 15 ft trees along both Cozy Valley Creek stream channels
- Installed over 10 25ft snags along both Cozy Valley Creek stream channels
- Installed over 5000 trees along Cozy Valley Creek
- Purchased/protected 80 acres of the 85 acre historic Sampson Farm in Cozy Valley
- Awarded Thurston County’s Wildlife Steward of the year for 2007
- Awarded Washington State Wildlife Steward of the year for 2008
- Installed a new 25ft concrete bridge crossing over Crawford Creek
- Assisted the City of Tenino with two grants to acquire 12 additional forested acres for their city park
- Held our first annual Benefit Concert for HEF
- Planted an additional 1500 trees for a new mitigation site in Cozy Valley
- Funded for new 30 acre acquisition of the Mills property
- Continued annual Cozy Valley temperature monitoring
- Continued planting and monitoring of newly established riparian area
- Continued outreach and education programs throughout the Chehalis
- Acquired 30 acre Mills property
- Continued annual Cozy Valley temperature monitoring
- Continued planting and monitoring of newly established riparian area
- Continued outreach and education programs throughout the Chehalis